NYLJ: The Huma Abedin Emails: Herein Lies the Danger of Overseizure

NYLJ: The Huma Abedin Emails: Herein Lies the Danger of Overseizure by Maranda Fritz:

Maranda Fritz, of Thompson Hine, analyzes the the law surrounding government ‘overseizure’ of data in investigations involving electronic data in light of the government’s investigation into emails linked to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s aide. She points out that any warrant that would have been sought in the Weiner investigation would have allowed for seizure of electronic files relating to him—not the communications of his wife. The clear danger presented by this Anthony Weiner seizure, and the seizures in many cases, is that the consideration that was extended to the government—to allow the initial overseizure for the purpose of complying with the warrant—is being used by the government to seize and retain any confidential, personal or even intimate communications that happen to reside on the seized computer.

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