PA: State waived challenge to def’s reliance on state constitution

The state waived its challenge to the defendant’s reliance on the state constitution by failure to litigate it below. Waiver claims have to be applied evenhandedly between the state and defendants. Commonwealth v. Wolfel, 2020 Pa. LEXIS 3797 (July 21, 2020).

The trial court erred first in granting a Franks hearing and then granting relief on it. Illinois recognizes that an informant’s falsity run through an unsuspecting officer can provide for relief. Nevertheless, defendant didn’t show enough to even get a Franks hearing for deliberate or reckless false statement, so the suppression order is reversed. People v. Williams, 2020 IL App (1st) 190418, 2020 Ill. App. LEXIS 483 (July 20, 2020).*

The affidavit for search warrant for text messages on a cell phone showed probable cause and nexus. United States v. Washington, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 127612 (D. Ore. July 12, 2020).*

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