CO: DHS caseworkers subject to 4A in their warrantless entry

State DHS case workers are subject to the Fourth Amendment, and their warrantless entry into defendant’s home was unreasonable. People v. Dyer, 2019 COA 161, 2019 Colo. App. LEXIS 1588 (Oct. 24, 2019).

Probable cause for search of a car helped lead to probable cause for a search warrant for a house for drugs. Then defendant’s car came to the house, and it appeared evidence left the house in the car, and that was probable cause for stop and search of the car. United States v. Leon, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 183302 (W.D. Tex. Oct. 22, 2019).*

The officers had reasonable suspicion for stopping defendant for suspicion of armed robbery despite differences in how he was dressed and his mode of transportation. People v. Turman, 2019 IL App (4th) 170815, 2019 Ill. App. LEXIS 847 (Oct. 23, 2019).*

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