CA9: MMJ card didn’t undermine PC for possession

The arrest was based on probable cause to believe marijuana would be found. The existence of a medical marijuana card is only a defense to the holder, and it doesn’t undermine probable cause. Assenberg v. Whitman County, 2018 U.S. App. LEXIS 9159 (9th Cir. Apr. 12, 2018).

Grant of a motion to suppress that wasn’t put into writing wasn’t appealable by the state. State v. Martinez, 2018 Tex. App. LEXIS 2590 (Tex. App. – Corpus Christi – Edinburg Apr. 12, 2018).*

The officer properly advised the defendant of the right to refuse an alcohol test. “The officer neither told her that she was required to take the test, nor misled her as to the consequences of taking or refusing the test. We therefore conclude her agreement was voluntary.” Diaz v. Bernini, 2018 Ariz. App. LEXIS 59 (Apr. 12, 2018).*

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