ID: Exclusionary rule doesn’t apply to DL suspension

The exclusionary rule doesn’t apply to administrative license suspensions for driving under the influence. Bobeck v. Idaho Transp. Dep’t, 2015 Ida. App. LEXIS 86 (September 24, 2015).

Defendant was stopped for speeding, but he couldn’t answer basic question about much of anything, and reasonable suspicion thus developed for a detention for a dog sniff. State v. Gibson, 2015-Ohio-3812, 2015 Ohio App. LEXIS 3707 (3d Dist. September 21, 2015).*

Defendant was stopped at a safety checkpoint for DLs and insurance papers, and he was found intoxicated. The checkpoint was properly set up and conducted, and the motion to suppress was properly denied. Moss v. State, 2015 Ga. App. LEXIS 552 (September 23, 2015).*

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