DC: 2009 consent was attenuated from 2007 search

2009 consent was attenuated from 2007 search. Dawkins v. United States, 12-CO-1648, 2015 D.C. App. LEXIS __ (February 5, 2015), prior appeal 41 A.3d 1265, 1272-73 (D.C. 2012).

Considering in detail all the evidence in the case, the court finds defendant’s consent to search a computer in this child pornography case was voluntary and was not granted after the computer was already searched. United States v. Hunter, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 181731 (N.D.Ga. September 12, 2014), adopted 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14179 (N.D.Ga. February 6, 2015).*

Assuming a constitutional violation [which it likely isn’t], “[o]ur case law does not clearly establish that consent to a limited search is involuntary when given after the consenting party has had the opportunity to consult with an attorney. Cf. United States v. Wellins, 654 F.2d 550, 555-56 (9th Cir. 1981) (holding that a defendant’s consultation with his attorney was a ‘crucial factor’ in determining that the defendant validly consented to a search of his hotel suite).” Loudermilk v. Arpaio, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 1756 (9th Cir. February 4, 2015).*

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