KS: Legality of a stop may be pursued before DMV in a DL suspension

The legality of a stop may be pursued before DMV in a DL suspension. Jarvis v. Kan. Dep’t of Revenue, 2020 Kan. LEXIS 97 (Oct. 9, 2020).

The trial court barred relitigating defendant’s Fourth Amendment claim on collateral estoppel grounds. The appeal doesn’t adequately brief it, and it’s deemed waived. “To the extent that he does address plain error, his entire argument is devoted to rearguing the merits of the underlying Fourth Amendment issue, which is irrelevant to our examination of the collateral estoppel issue.” State v. Thornock, 2020 UT App 138, 2020 Utah App. LEXIS 138 (Oct. 8, 2020).*

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