CO: Age is a factor in the voluntariness of consent; here a juvenile

Age is a factor in the voluntariness of consent. Here, it was a juvenile and the evidence supports the finding of consent. People in interest of B.D., 2019 COA 57, 2019 Colo. App. LEXIS 553 (Apr. 18, 2019).

The only evidence was that defendant turned without signaling, and that was a basis for his stop. Sanchez v. State, 2019 Tex. App. LEXIS 3089 (Tex. App. – San Antonio Apr. 17, 2019).*

“Gladden failed to establish that suppressing evidence recovered from the Range Rover would have successfully undermined the substantial evidence connecting Gladden to the conspiracy.” Therefore, no ineffective assistance of counsel for not moving to suppress the search. It likely would have failed anyway. Gladden v. United States, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 65139 (S.D. N.Y. Apr. 17, 2019).*

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