IL: Housesitter has no standing

House sitter and dog watcher had no reasonable expectation of privacy in the house he was watching. Officers at the door could also see drugs on the table from the door. He had no standing: “In sum, it is not clear that defendant exhibited an expectation of privacy in his activities inside Barry’s house at all. And even if he did exhibit some such expectation, it was a very slight, attenuated one.” People v. McCauley, 2018 IL App (1st) 160812, 2018 Ill. App. LEXIS 1020 (Dec. 28, 2018).

Claimants consented to searches of their backpacks and rolling bags. The dispute was whether the consent was limited to the backpacks. A written consent form would be good, but it’s not mandatory. United States v. Funds in the Amount of $830,000 in United States Currency, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 853 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 2, 2019).*

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