TX4: Juvenile consented to search of room but parent objects; it’s the parent’s call

A juvenile was detained on suspicion of burglary, and the officers went back to his house. The juvenile consented, but the parent objected, and that was binding on the officers because of the control a parent has over a child. Also, defendant was not in custody for Miranda purposes when incriminating statements were made. In re S.C., 2017 Tex. App. LEXIS 4930 (Tex. App. – San Antonio May 31, 2017).

Defendant contended defense counsel was ineffective for not challenging the involuntariness of his consent [which was doubtful at best]. Instead, it was evident that police had probable cause and the automobile exception they could rely on. Thibodeaux v. State, 2017 Tex. App. LEXIS 4907 (Tex. App. – Amarillo May 30, 2017).*

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