AZ: Serial SWs were justified by further developments in a serial murder investigation

Defendant was ultimately charged with 74 felonies, including nine murders. His house was subjected to three different search warrants, each specific to one or two crimes. It was reasonable for the police to get another warrant to go back after other evidence developed justifying further searches. State v. Goudeau, 2016 Ariz. LEXIS 160 (June 17, 2016). (Note: It would appear that the need to go back is testament to the care of the officers in keeping their searches narrow each time, proving that they were particular.)

There was a substantial basis for the issuing magistrate concluding that defendant committed burglaries with nexus to the place to be searched. State v. Jones, 2016 Del. Super. LEXIS 232 (June 2, 2016).*

An anonymous tip led to a trash pull that revealed evidence of marijuana usage and led to a search warrant. “This is not a close case.” State v. Jones, 2016 Iowa App. LEXIS 649 (June 15, 2016).*

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