Cal.App.Div.-San Diego follows Heien

After originally holding a reasonable mistake of law would not support a stop, Heien was decided, and the court reconsiders and holds that it does. People v. Campuzano, 2015 Cal. App. LEXIS 489 (App. Div. San Diego June 5, 2015).

Defendant was stopped for speeding, and it was apparent he had needle tracks on his arms and was a heroin user. He wouldn’t keep his hands in front of him as he was told. He started crying about having marijuana in the car with him. The officer patted him down and then asked about a lump in his sock, and defendant consented to removing the sock. State v. Drumm, 2015-Ohio-2176, 2015 Ohio App. LEXIS 2098 (2d Dist. June 5, 2015).*

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