OH9: Mistake of law on where car needed to stop justified suppressing the stop

Officer’s mistake of law that a driver had to stop only at a stop line and not before made the stop unreasonable. State v. Drushal, 2014-Ohio-3088, 2014 Ohio App. LEXIS 3020 (9th Dist. July 14, 2014).* [Will Heien v. North Carolina change that come next SCOTUS Term?]

One of the exigencies for a DWI warrantless blood draw here was that defendant was removed from the scene of the accident on a backboard, and he was likely going to be given pain medication at the hospital. The officer reasonably waited for the hospital staff to do their stuff first, and that consumed some of the time, and the two hour limit was approaching. State v. Granger, 2014 N.C. App. LEXIS 745 (July 15, 2014).*

Defendant was more than a transient visitor to the house in question. He owned it and his mother lived there, and he stayed there a lot, got his mail there, and he kept a lot of property there. His car was in the garage at the time of the raid. Given the standard of review of probable cause for search warrants, the search warrant was issued on probable cause. Moses v. State, 2014 Ga. App. LEXIS 525 (July 15, 2014).*

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