S.D.Ohio: Reasonable to put def in police car where he had no DL or registration to car while they checked it out

It was reasonable for officers to put defendant in their vehicle when he had no DL or registration for the vehicle he was driving while they checked it out. “The officers ran Bonner’s name through their databases and learned that he was engaging in a crime, albeit a different one, in that he was in violation of a no-trespass order issued against him.” His arrest was lawful. United States v. Bonner, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 214316 (S.D. Ohio Dec. 20, 2018).

Walking into another’s backyard at 3:30 am was enough to stop defendant at least for inquiry. His explanation that he was there to pick up a friend for work did not dispel suspicion. United States v. Goebel, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 213300 (D. N.M. Dec. 19, 2018).*

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