Two rejected IAC claims, one for lack of a record yet

Defendant’s Fourth Amendment claim was not presented to the trial court, and the court declines to reach it on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim for lack of a record. He can do that later. Shinstock v. State, 2017 Miss. LEXIS 267 (June 29, 2017).* (Been there and done that. The finding of default establishes the first Strickland prong for later.)

Defendant’s 2255 claim that pinging his cell phone to locate his residence violated the Fourth Amendment and defense counsel should have filed a suppression motion wasn’t ineffective assistance of counsel. “[A]ny suppression motion would have failed in light of the inevitable discovery and Leon good faith exceptions to the exclusionary rule.” Donaldson v. United States, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 102283 (S.D. Ga. June 30, 2017).*

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