OH10: Hearsay of one officer about another not inadmissible in suppression hearing about RS

The trial court did not err in relying in part on hearsay testimony by one officer about another to find that there was reasonable suspicion for defendant’s detention. State v. Box, 2017-Ohio-1138, 2017 Ohio App. LEXIS 1165 (10th Dist. March 14, 2017). (See Treatise § 60.50 n.2).

“It is obvious from the record that Movant’s counsel was not deficient in failing to move to suppress the marijuana wrappings and other items found in her home. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that Movant consented to the search of her home—at first orally and later in writing.” There was a suppression hearing on other issues. Delgado v. United States, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 185511 (S.D. Tex. July 26, 2016).*

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