Guam: Jardines curtilage doesn’t apply to castle doctrine and defense of dwelling

Jardines on curtilage doesn’t apply to the statute on the castle doctrine for defense of home which applies to the habitable dwelling and not the porch. Defendant’s proffer jury instruction was properly denied. People v. John, 2016 Guam 41, 2016 Guam LEXIS 34 (Dec. 30, 2016).

After a stop, defendant voluntarily handed over his backpack to the officer and volunteered there was marijuana inside it. That was probable cause for a search of it and the car it just came out of. United States v. Gonzalez-Seda, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 178166 (D.P.R. April 28, 2016),* adopted, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 176130 (D.P.R. Dec. 20, 2016).*

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