NE: A DRE expert isn’t required to make stop have PC for a DWI arrest

It isn’t required that the state have a DRE specialist make an arrest to determine whether there is probable cause for defendant’s arrest. It is required that the officers exclude other possibilities for the appearance of intoxication. State v. Rothenberger, 294 Neb. 810, 2016 Neb. LEXIS 142 (Sept. 23, 2016):

But in Daly, we were not considering the DRE protocol in the context of determining whether officers had probable cause to arrest for driving under the influence of drugs. Rather, we were considering a challenge to the admissibility of expert DRE testimony at trial to prove the defendant’s guilt. Probable cause requires less than the evidence necessary to support a conviction. In Daly, we neither addressed nor suggested the role, if any, the standard DRE protocol plays in determining probable cause to arrest a suspect for driving under the influence of drugs.

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