VI: An investigative subpoena doesn’t have to specify who is under investigation, but it’s helpful to the recipient to identify records

An investigative subpoena doesn’t have to specify who is under investigation, but it’s helpful to the recipient to identify records. “[A] specific person has not yet been associated with the matter. In such cases, an investigative subpoena should generally describe what is being scrutinized. In this case, the Verified Amended Complaint, and the attachments thereto, aver that the Callender Subpoena and the Investment Manager Subpoenas do not identify either the person or the subject matter of any OAG investigation which supported their issuance. In light of the foregoing discussion, the GERS has plausibly stated a claim on which relief can be granted, and a dismissal of this portion of the pleading would be inappropriate.” Motion to quash denied. Gov’t Employees Ret. Sys. v. Gov’t of the V.I. Office of the Attorney General, 2016 V.I. LEXIS 51 (May 12, 2016).

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