WY: Reaching in pocket of detained motorist having seizure was reasonable under community caretaking function

Defendant was stopped for a traffic offense and had a seizure. The officer reached into his pocket to look for medication and discovered marijuana. The search was valid under the community caretaking function. Allgier v. State, 2015 WY 137, 2015 Wyo. LEXIS 154 (Oct. 23, 2015).

Police had reason to believe that two drug dealers who were brothers acquired a machine gun stolen in a burglary about four weeks earlier for heroin. The police had probable cause to search their house for drugs. The affidavit included [a seemingly obligatory] weapons clause because guns are often found with drugs. On the whole, the affidavit showed PC for the search. State v. Clayton, 2015-Ohio-4370, 2015 Ohio App. LEXIS 4253 (8th Dist. Oct. 22, 2015).

The officer was passing defendant who looked startled and pulled over and stopped immediately. The officer stopped to inquire. Reasonable suspicion developed and that justified prolonging the detention. State v. Knox, 2015 Ala. Crim. App. LEXIS 83 (Oct. 23, 2015).*

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