CA4: Tasing ptf twice was reasonable force because of his agitated state with a gun on his person

Tasing plaintiff twice was reasonable force because of his agitated state with a gun on his person. Hogan v. Beaumont, 2019 U.S. App. LEXIS 22861 (4th Cir. July 31, 2019):

In this case, we conclude that the officers’ decision to tase Hogan twice was not an unreasonable or excessive use of force. The undisputed record establishes that Hogan filed a false police report, was armed, and failed to relinquish his gun during a thirty-minute interaction with the police. Police reports also indicate that prior to being tased, Hogan was agitated, acting erratically, ignoring police instructions, and threatening the police. Under these circumstances, a reasonable officer would believe that Hogan posed an immediate threat to the officers’ safety. See Meyers v. Baltimore County, 713 F.3d 723, 733 (4th Cir. 2015) (holding that a man in an agitated state, armed with a bat that he refused to relinquish, posed an immediate threat).

Hogan turns a blind eye to these facts. …

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