CA3: A prostitute has apparent authority to consent to entry into a hotel room rented by her pimp

A prostitute working in a motel room for a pimp has apparent authority to consent to an entry. When a man entered the room with a key, he could be patted down. United States v. Murray, 2016 U.S. App. LEXIS 7697 (3d Cir. April 28, 2016).

Nobody answered the apartment door when the police knocked, and they had the landlord unlock the door for them which itself was an unlawful entry. The excuse was that there might be an exigency inside from the day before (which isn’t an exigency at all). Once the door was opened, the occupants consented to a search, and it was found voluntary. State v. McDonald, 2016-Ohio-2699, 2016 Ohio App. LEXIS 1576 (5th Dist. April 25, 2016).* [Note: This one won’t be in the book because it’s hard to accept that there could be consent after this entry.]

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