American Thinker: Homeland Chief: Fourth Amendment ‘Beyond My Competence’

American Thinker: Homeland Chief: Fourth Amendment ‘Beyond My Competence’ by Mark J. Fitzgibbons:

Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, a man with sweeping power to invade the property rights and privacy of every American using judge-less warrants to search and seize records, has a Fourth Amendment problem: He doesn’t really know it.

As reported at Mediaite, Senator Rand Paul grilled Secretary Johnson at a hearing about government’s obtaining records from telephone companies without a warrant, which seems on its face to violate the Fourth Amendment:

“Right off the bat, Paul, a 2016 presidential candidate, asked Johnson if he believes the Fourth Amendment ‘applies to third party records,’ specifically those of telephone companies. Johnson said that question is ‘beyond my competence as secretary of homeland security’ to answer intelligently.”

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