D.Mont.: “Onlookers” reporting hearing “strangulation sounds” during an argument in an apartment was exigency

“Onlookers” reported hearing “strangulation sounds” during an argument in an apartment, and that was exigency. Defendant was an overnight guest who had standing under Olson. United States v. Harris, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 182312 (D.Mont. February 24, 2015) (note incorrect citation).

The undisputed facts show that the officer smelled “fresh” marijuana, and that justified a search under the automobile exception, so a hearing isn’t even necessary. United States v. Landry, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 21512 (N.D.Cal. February 23, 2015).*

Headlight out justifies a stop. State v. Lensgraf, 2015 Iowa App. LEXIS 162 (February 25, 2015).*

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