OH9: Officer could inquire of car that obviously did not belong in the driveway where it was seen

An officer on patrol saw a car parked in a driveway that he knew didn’t belong. He ran the LPN and it was not registered to the owner, so he approached the driver and saw him drinking behind the wheel. This was reasonable suspicion of possible DUI. State v. Gasser, 2014-Ohio-2569, 2014 Ohio App. LEXIS 2522 (9th Dist. June 16, 2014).*

The record supports the trial court’s finding that defendant was drifting around her lane and that was reasonable suspicion for a stop. State v. Hiyama, 2014 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 558 (June 17, 2014).*

Defendant was arrested in somebody else’s house and the murder weapon was found with him. He had no standing to challenge the entry and search of the house because he raised nothing showing standing. Lowe v. State, 2014 Ga. LEXIS 495 (June 16, 2014).*

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