W.D.Pa.: Trash pulls finding baggie cut corner pieces was probable cause

Trash pulls finding baggie cut corner pieces was probable cause for possession of drugs on the premises. United States v. Jackson, 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38664 (W.D. Pa. Mar. 11, 2019)

The evidence shows that defendant’s wife consented to a search of their house. She had common authority, and there was no evidence of coercion. State v. Gray-Brown, 2019 Conn. App. LEXIS 93 (Mar. 12, 2019).*

A trial judge in Michigan was censured for sending the deputy prosecutor the name of an unpublished case on point in a contested suppression hearing without sharing it with the defense. The prosecutor shared it after consulting his boss. In re Filip, 2019 Mich. LEXIS 369 (Mar. 11, 2019).*

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