DE: Officer had RS for stop when he recognized def in security video committing robbery

An officer reviewed a security video of a robbery, and he believed defendant was one of the robbers. “The Officers, thus, decided to try and identify Defendant through what they termed a ‘casual’ or ‘soft encounter,’ meaning that Defendant could have left at any time. Upon circling the block, the Officers, who were in full uniform, observed Defendant walking eastbound on 30th Street, whereupon Oft. Verna parked the patrol vehicle approximately one car length away. Ofr. Stallings exited the vehicle alone, walked toward Defendant without putting his hands near his gun or taser, and asked Defendant, ‘Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?’” Defendant grabbed his waistband and fled. The officers had reasonable suspicion before the encounter even happened. State v. Harris, 2016 Del. Super. LEXIS 359 (July 25, 2016).*

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