The Hill: FBI v. Apple: The legal war begins | FBiOS

The Hill: FBI v. Apple: The legal war begins by Julian Hattem:

The FBI is basing its demand that Apple help hack into an encrypted iPhone on a little-known 18th century law that critics say is being badly abused. A federal judge this week ordered Apple to help open up a phone that used by one of the killers in the San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attack. Apple has refused to comply. The request has stirred a vigorous national debate and raised new questions about the scope of the more than 200-year old law. Already, some lawmakers are scolding the court for its order, claiming that any decision ought to be left up to Capitol Hill.

Why Congress? They can’t do anything else with privacy, unless this is the motivator. And don’t belittle this “200-year old law” which is quite useful to both sides. And the Fourth Amendment is 225 years old this December. Just because it’s old …

And somebody (maybe here?) coined “FBiOS.”

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