techdirt: NSA’s Stellar Wind Program Was Almost Completely Useless, Hidden From FISA Court By NSA And FBI

techdirt: NSA’s Stellar Wind Program Was Almost Completely Useless, Hidden From FISA Court By NSA And FBI by Tim Cushing:

A huge report (747 pages) on the NSA’s Stellar Wind program has been turned over to Charlie Savage of the New York Times after a successful FOIA lawsuit. Stellar Wind has its basis in an order issued by George W. Bush shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Not an executive order, per se, but Bush basically telling the NSA that it was OK to start collecting email and phone metadata, as well as warrantlessly tap international calls into and out of the United States.

The extensive detailing of the program’s history contains some rather surprising elements. While much of it remains redacted, there’s still enough exposed that indicates the program was like many others the NSA has pursued: expansive, intrusive, done without oversight… and ultimately mostly useless.

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