ATL: Criminally Yours: Your ‘One’ Phone Call

ATL: Criminally Yours: Your ‘One’ Phone Call by Toni Messina

Above all, don’t give them your cell phone password

Recently a lawyer asked me at a party, “If I’m arrested will police take my cell phone, and if they do, how will I be able to make my one phone call?”

People who might not have participated in civic demonstrations since the heady 60s are getting back into the action after the grand jury failures to indict in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases and wondering how the arrest process works.

There are a lot of myths about criminal law. For example, if a cop doesn’t read me my “Miranda Rights” the case gets thrown out, right? (No.) Or, a paid lawyer must be better than a public defender. (Not necessarily.) The idea of the “one” phone call remains a standard myth.

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