WND: Swat Team Tasers, Pepper-Sprays Homeschoolers

WND: SWAT Team Tasers, Pepper-Sprays Homeschoolers by Bob Unruh:

A Missouri homeschooling family is suing a sheriff and another officer who forcibly entered their home without a warrant, Tasered the father, pepper-sprayed the mother and put their children in the custody of social service workers.

A court already has ruled that the actions of Sheriff Darren White and Capt. David Glidden of Nodaway County, Missouri, violated the U.S. Constitution, resulting in the dismissal of charges of child endangerment and resisting arrest against the couple, Jason and Laura Hagan, of New Hampton.

[WND is not the most reliable source. They posted this two hours ago. I can’t find any other source on the internet with this story by searching the names or “SWAT” and “homeschool.” I also searched on Lexis federal and Missouri courts the party names and got no hits.]

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