HuffPo: Woman Spends A Month In Jail After Cops Mistake SpaghettiOs For Meth

HuffPo: Woman Spends A Month In Jail After Cops Mistake SpaghettiOs For Meth by Hilary Hanson:

A Georgia woman was held in jail for one month after cops mistook sauce from a can of SpaghettiOs for methamphetamine, the Gainesville Times reports.

Ashley Huff, a 23-year-old woman from the city of Commerce, was the passenger in a car that was pulled over on July 2. Police noticed she had a spoon in her bag that had “some residue” on it. Huff told them it was just SpaghettiO sauce, but they slapped her with a charge of possession of methamphetamine.

Two months ago, I had a client arrested for possession of a block of cocaine in a plastic bag. It field tested for cocaine. The crime lab said it was dishwasher soap. Arguable probable cause for qualified immunity?

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