WaPo: Jury awards $1.8 million to wrongly raided Denver family

WaPo: Jury awards $1.8 million to wrongly raided Denver family by Radley Balko:
Not for the mistaken raid, but for decision to prosecute family members afterward: two kids for assaulting an officer.

If Denver officials had simply left it at that, it’s unlikely that the Martinez family would have received any compensation at all. The jury in the family’s civil case didn’t find the raid itself to be abuse. It was the decision to prosecute the boys that was apparently too much. But the family won’t be collecting any time soon. The state plans to appeal. But at best, once again, the party that will be punished for the abuse of innocent people by police and prosecutors won’t be the police and prosecutors who committed the abuse, but Denver (and probably Colorado) taxpayers.

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