Global Research: Ronald Reagan’s Executive Order 12333: End-Running the Fourth Amendment; “Legalizing” Police State Surveillance

Global Research: Ronald Reagan’s Executive Order 12333: End-Running the Fourth Amendment; “Legalizing” Police State Surveillance by Peter Van Buren:

Historians of the Constitutional Era of the United States (1789-2001, RIP) will recall the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, the one that used to protect Americans against unreasonable and unwarranted searches.

The Supreme Court had generally held that searches required a warrant. That warrant could be issued only after law enforcement showed they had “probable cause.” That in turn had been defined by the Court to require a high standard of proof, “a fair probability that contraband or evidence of a crime will be found in a particular place.”

The basic idea for more or less over 200 years: unless the government has a good, legal reason to look into your business, it couldn’t. As communications changed, the Fourth evolved to assert extend those same rights of privacy to phone calls, emails and texts, the same rules applying there as to physical searches.

That was Then

It was a good run. …

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