HuffPo: Skin Color Is Not a Crime: Why Stop and Frisk Doesn’t Work

HuffPo: Skin Color Is Not a Crime: Why Stop and Frisk Doesn’t Work by Evan DeFilippis:

The Inconsistency of Our Outrage

The stop-and-frisk debate is instructive in that it spotlights the inconsistency in outrage that both conservatives and liberals display over the violation of constitutional rights. Many conservatives appear completely insensitive to the empirical reality that stop-and-frisk policies have led to fourth amendment violations against minorities time and time again. They argue that the benefits derived from such policies, in terms of crime and homicide reduction, is valuable enough to outweigh fourth amendment concerns.

In the same breath, however, many of these same conservatives appear scandalized by even the most basic and reasonable gun regulation, arguing that any second amendment violation goes too far, irrespective of the potential public health benefits. Curiously, they appear quite willing to empower the police state with stop-and-frisk policies, insisting that “training” and “discipline” is more than sufficient to inoculate the entire police force against bad judgment and racism, and then, with no apparent irony, turn around and argue that they need assault rifles at home because the police can’t be trusted. The second amendment has become sacred, the fourth amendment optional.

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