NC: Parking lot of a multi-unit apartment building is not curtilage

The parking lot of a multi-unit apartment building is not curtilage. Police seizure and testing of a discarded cigarette butt tossed there did not require a warrant. State v. Williford, 2015 N.C. App. LEXIS 1 (January 6, 2015).

Defendant was not seized by officers when he was patted down and nothing was found, and defendant lacked standing in the car he was formerly a passenger in. Officers parked behind the vehicle in a parking lot, but they had no lights on and the vehicle wasn’t blocked in. The officers walked past the vehicle looking for the owner while defendant was sitting in it. They shortly asked him to get out of the vehicle, patted him down, found nothing, and searched the passenger compartment, finding a gun in the glove compartment right in front of where defendant was sitting. Defendant didn’t show standing, and he wasn’t subjected to a stop and was allowed to walk away. United States v. Houston, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 43 (11th Cir. January 5, 2015).*

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