CA6: Habeas claim was truly 4A based and barred by Stone v. Powell

2254 petitioner’s habeas claim was based solely on the Fourth Amendment and wasn’t at all a due process claim as he says. Thus, it’s bared by Stone v. Powell, and the COA is denied. Hoffman v. Harris, 2017 U.S. App. LEXIS 17599 (6th Cir. April 5, 2017).

Defendant’s frisk was reasonable: “Williams’s nervousness, odd movements, refusal to exit the automobile, and repeated attempts to access his pants pocket provided Cpl. Caffey reasonable suspicion that Williams was involved in criminal activity and was armed.” State v. Williams, 2017 Ala. Crim. App. LEXIS 60 (Sept. 8, 2017).*

The consenter voluntarily consented, and she had apparent authority to consent as a co-occupant of the premises. State v. West, 2017-Ohio-7521, 2017 Ohio App. LEXIS 3829 (2d Dist. Sept. 8, 2017).*

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