Western Journalism: Private Police: Mercenaries For The American Police State

Western Journalism: Private Police: Mercenaries For The American Police State by John W. Whitehead

Talk about a diabolical end run around the Constitution.

It’s one thing to know and exercise your rights when a police officer pulls you over; but what rights do you have when a private cop—entrusted with all of the powers of a government cop but not held to the same legal standards—pulls you over and subjects you to a stop-and-frisk or, worse, causes you to “disappear” into a Gitmo-esque detention center not unlike the one employed by Chicago police at Homan Square?

For that matter, how do you even begin to know who you’re dealing with, given that these private cops often wear police uniforms, carry police-grade weapons, and perform many of the same duties as public cops, including carrying out SWAT team raids, issuing tickets, and firing their weapons?

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