TN: Stop on computer check that LPN was wrong was valid, even if def had paperwork that said it was right

Defendant was stopped in Nashville because his LPN didn’t match his old pickup truck, which the officer checked on a hunch because it was relatively common in that area of town with older vehicles. When the defendant produced paperwork showing that the vehicle was [supposedly] legally registered he argued that the officer should have let him go. The officer’s experience was that that happened only once in a great while, and the court relied on another case of his from 2003 with the same circumstances. The fact the computer might be wrong does not negate the probable cause for the stop. Defendant was indicted for and ended up pleading to being an habitual motor vehicle offender. [Which begs the question: if the vehicle was properly registered, why’d he plead?] State v. Meadows, 2015 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 102 (February 10, 2015).

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