Note to readers: Getting ads or misdirects? If so, install malware protection software [updated]

I’ve been using a backup computer on occasion, and it didn’t have malware protection software. It’s downloading while I type this.

First: At any rate, I’ve been getting ads popping up on this computer only. I have MalwareBytes on my main computer, and it stops all that crap. It came highly recommended by my computer guy who charges CJA rates. It prevents ads on that computer for this website because no ads are permitted. While I’m typing this, one just appeared on the WordPress working page. There are no authorized ads on this website. Never has been. It is free to readers, but advertisers are mere trespassers. Even the pop up software isn’t blocking ads without malware protection.

Second: Misdirects: I’ve had this problem and so have a couple of readers: If you get a parked page that was a misdirect, reboot your computer. I’ve tried a couple of different ways to work around that problem, and rebooting always works. Apparently the browser information gets a little corrupted if it stays open for days, which I sometimes do.

If you ever have any technical issues, let me know.

Update: Example of a “parked page”:
parked page

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