Politico: Feds confirm Bush-era surveillance

Politico: Feds confirm Bush-era surveillance by Josh Gerstein:

Prior to July 2004, internet and phone tracking programs ran solely on the president’s orders.

The U.S. government has acknowledged that it swept up huge volumes of data from emails in the U.S. for several years without any court approval, based solely on the orders of former President George W. Bush.

In a court filing on Monday, government lawyers said that the Internet program ran in parallel with a program gathering so-called metadata about telephone calls. The counterterrorism efforts operated under presidential authority before a judge approved them in July 2004, said a 2007 court filing made public Monday by the Justice Department (and posted here.)

As I’ve said here before, the NSA didn’t just materialize under President Obama. The apparatus and manpower was there before 9/11, and then it swung into action. Just because you didn’t hear about it before the Snowden leaks doesn’t mean it’s new.

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