The Atlantic: The Spirit of the 4th Amendment–And the NSA’s Disregard for It

The Atlantic: The Spirit of the 4th Amendment–And the NSA’s Disregard for It by Conor Friedersdorf:

A Constitutional attorney explains why the phone dragnet is antithetical to a core liberty America’s founding document is supposed to protect.

Asked to debate whether Edward Snowden is “a patriot or a traitor” during an event at UCLA law school, Bruce Fein, the Constitutional attorney representing all of us in a class action suit against the NSA, remarked on the spirit of the 4th Amendment.

“Patriotism was defined by Thomas Paine at the founding as a citizen who protects his country from his government,” he began, “and I think that if we look at the 4th Amendment as part of what this country is about, we see that he certainly seems to fit on that side more than treason.” Then he delved much deeper: …

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