WV: Break in the chain of custody of DNA evidence taken after seizure is not a 4A violation

An after seizure alleged break in the chain of custody of DNA evidence taken is not a Fourth Amendment violation. Timothy C. v. Straughn, 2023 W. Va. LEXIS 339 (Sep. 15, 2023).

Defendant’s LPN wasn’t visible until after the stop, and reasonable suspicion developed. “In the instant case, Weirich testified he noticed the plate ‘looked ok’ as he walked up to the driver, but the plate was secondary to his concern for officer safety in that moment. Upon speaking to appellant, he learned appellant was driving from New Mexico to the Detroit suburbs with no visible baggage; appellant’s driver’s license was suspended; and upon running the plate, the registration came back to a different vehicle.” State v. Carrillo, 2023-Ohio-3264 (5th Dist. Sep. 13, 2023).*

“[B]eing deprived of one’s property alone is sufficient to suggest ‘actual injury’ at the pleading stage.” One Eye El-Bey v. Sylvester, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 163019 (S.D. Ohio Sep. 13, 2023).*

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