Ocala Post: Biden wants IRS to snoop into your bank account, know when you have $600 or more; some bankers say it violates the 4A (but it doesn’t)

Ocala Post: Biden wants IRS to snoop into your bank account, know when you have $600 or more (“Outraged citizens and banks alike want to know why President Joe Biden plans to allow the IRS to snoop into bank accounts, Venmo, PayPal, and crypto transactions, among other types of payment accounts. [¶] The White House, said, ‘This type of surveillance is needed to prevent tax evasion.’ … Banking officials are against the plan and say it violates the Fourth Amendment, which protects U.S. citizens from search and seizure without probable cause.))

Except it doesn’t violate the Fourth Amendment. Miller v. United States, 425 U.S. 435 (1976). If Congress really cared, they’d pass a statute requiring process of some kind, like a warrant? They’ve had 45 years to “overrule” Miller, but haven’t yet.

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