WI: Checking traffic detainee’s compliance with prior bond conditions violated Rodriguez

Defendant was stopped for a traffic offense, and defendant was on bond from a pending case. The officer decided to inquire into defendant was in compliance with the bond terms. That exceeded the normal incidents of a traffic stop. State v. Davis, 2021 Wisc. App. LEXIS 718 (Aug. 19, 2021).

Defendant’s 2255 Fourth Amendment claim was litigated on direct appeal, and she lost, so it is precluded. Ouedraogo v. United States, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 156296 (S.D.Fla. Aug. 19, 2021).*

On defendant’s motion for reconsideration, a search warrant does not salvage evidence fount as a result of a Miranda violation. State v. Yaeger, 2021 Ore. App. LEXIS 1127 (Aug. 18, 2021), prior opinion State v. Yaeger, 311 Ore. App. 626 (2021)

Defendant’s turn signal violation was a reasonable basis for a stop. State v. Marneros, 2021-Ohio-2844, 2021 Ohio App. LEXIS 2786 (8th Dist. Aug. 19, 2021).*

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