Pacific Legal Foundation: With 5G arriving, the Supreme Court needs to rule on what digital privacy means

Pacific Legal Foundation: With 5G arriving, the Supreme Court needs to rule on what digital privacy means by Daniel Woislaw:

The introduction of 5G data networks promises unbelievable advancements in the tech capabilities of every area of our lives. But 5G will also make it possible for government and law enforcement to use technology to gather data and information about Americans.

The Supreme Court has not yet ruled definitively on what qualifies as our constitutionally protected “digital privacy.” But there are two past Supreme Court decisions that set the stage for answering this question based on property rights on the one hand and societal expectations on the other.

The Court will likely use these two cases for guidance when deciding what digital privacy rights are protected by the Fourth Amendment, but privacy advocates should hope that the property rights approach will take precedence.

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