CA6: “In this respect, we must be mindful of the particular exigencies presented to the officers, who must make decisions to safeguard their own and the public’s safety under the fog of rapidly developing situations and without the luxury of complete information.”

Individually, none of the factors of reasonable suspicion was enough, but collectively they were. “In this respect, we must be mindful of the particular exigencies presented to the officers, who must make decisions to safeguard their own and the public’s safety under the fog of rapidly developing situations and without the luxury of complete information.” Recent shooting; mask over companion’s face; high crime area. United States v. Chambers, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 14653 (6th Cir. August 18, 2015).

The search warrants here were limited in scope to records from 2005 to the present and for particular crimes, and that was sufficient to prevent a rummaging [“health care fraud, business and personal income tax evasion, and employment tax return liability”] after an analysis of bank records. United States v. Belfrey, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109826 (D.Minn. June 25, 2015),* adopted 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 107663 (D.Minn. August 17, 2015).*

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